What does your coffee say about your personality?

There’s been a recent study that tested the habits of 1,000 coffee drinkers. It measured the different types of coffee that people drink daily, and then linked their habits along with psychological styles and personality traits. This is what they found:

The Black coffee drinker:

  • Straightforward
  • Quiet, but moody
  • Likes to keep things simple
  • All about minimalism

The Espresso drinker:

  • Hardworking, but moody
  • Takes on Leadership
  • Knows how to get what they want

The Latte drinker:

  • Likes to please people
  • Often indecisive when it comes to making decisions
  • Tends to be anxious

The Cappuccino drinker:

  • Controlling and obsessive
  • Creative, honest and motivated
  • Makes great friends, but gets bored with people who are unimaginative

The Frappuccino drinker:

  • Will try almost anything once
  • Trend setter
  • Courageous and adventurous
  • Doesn’t make healthy choices

The Instant coffee drinker:

  • Laid back
  • Cheerful and optimistic
  • Tends to out things off

The Soy milk drinker:

  • High maintenance
  • Detail oriented
  • Self centered and self-righteous

Espresso vs Drip Coffee

For some, a tiny shot of strong espresso is the only true coffee fix, while others think it’s a bitter waste of perfectly good beans. Whatever your preference may be, it’s always a good idea to get out there and try something new!


Let’s start with the beans. When coffee beans are harvested, they are a pale green and unfit for brewing. Roasting the beans is how you bring out their prime flavour and how you roast them is what determines if they’re to be used for espresso, or drip coffee. Espresso beans require a very dark roast and to be ground up finely – or in correspondence to your Machine settings . Drip coffee requires a medium grind because the water filtering through the machine has more contact time with the beans.


While a cup of coffee technically has more caffeine than a shot of espresso, if we were to pour that drip coffee into an espresso cup (or vice versa) than it would be the espresso with more caffeine.

The Process

Everyone and their mother knows the two beverages require two very different machines. The drip coffee machine drips boiling water over ground coffee and from there gravity takes over, pulling the freshly brewed coffee into the pot below. This process is a lot slower than the espresso route, but has it’s benefits. For example, at an office with multiple people looking for their caffeine fix. An espresso machine, however, forces 1.5 ounces of nearly boiling water through tightly packed espresso coffee. Espresso machines were actually dreamed up by Italians way back in the late 19th century. The best shot of espresso takes roughly 25 seconds to brew while using up to 15 atmospheres of pressure to force the water through. Those are some impressive little machines!

For me, espresso is my ride or die! Nothing wakes me up better than the smooth taste of freshly brewed espresso. How do you prefer to drink your caffeine?

5 Facts between Coffee and Poop!

Ever drink a coffee and have to go to the washroom minutes later? Well… you and me! I’m going to tell you a few facts about the correlation between coffee and poop.

  1. Coffee helps release a hormone in your body that is somehow really good at simulating a certain part of the muscle in your large intestine aka. THE COLON. Funny enough, Scientists still don’t know why!
  2. Does caffeine do it? Not so much, studies show that even decaf coffee will make you poop!
  3. Coffee drops the poop bomb as soon as 4 minutes after your first coffee (that’s extremely fast!) Make sure you don’t have coffee just before coming to work, because you’ll be hogging up the toilet!!
  4. If you have no clue what the coffee-poop feeling is, then you are among the lucky ones! Only 29% of coffee drinkers are affected by this coffee-poop relationship
  5. And Ladies… unfortunately this coffee-poop relationship affects you twice as much as men.

If you’ve learned anything from this, it’s that only 29% of coffee drinkers are affected by the coffee-poop relationship, and everyone else doesn’t feel it. (Sadly, I’m part of the 29% that is affected). It’s funny how there isn’t scientific reasoning for this, but I’m sure that in the near future, scientists will be able to provide us with answers to our coffee-poop problems! Until then, stay close to a washroom while drinking your coffee – you might need it more than you know!

What is Third Wave Coffee?

First Wave Coffee
Coffee became more easily accessible in places outside of restaurants and cafes and became a daily beverage many consumed at home or the office.
The emergence of instant coffee allowed for coffee to be enjoyed anywhere and everywhere
Brands like Nestle, Folgers, and Maxwell House became popular.
Coffee during this time as weak and acidic.
Second Wave Coffee
Chain coffee shops like Starbucks began to bring quality espresso-based beverages that were now easily accessible.
The coffee business became a big business – and specialty, personalized beverages became everyone’s fave.
Darker Roast coffees and espresso beverages became the daily drink of choice over instant coffee.
The appreciation for coffee began to slowly take over with people wanting to learn about the beans and other brewing methods.
Third Wave Coffee
People became eager to learn about coffee’s origins, the trading process, and the best way to brew it.
This wave brought out interest in manual brewing methods such as pour overs, soft brew, and cold brew.
People became interested in the chemistry behind coffee and its different flavours and notes.
Specialty coffees with unique stories and lighter roasts became the new favourite.

Third wave coffee can be described as the result of the evolution of the appreciation of coffee.
People have gone from wanting coffee easily in mass amounts to enjoying and appreciating its value and the journey of the bean.

New Year New Fads

2018 was a great year for the coffee industry, introducing some pretty interesting trends. Just as I was getting over the Butter Coffee fad, 2019 came in strong with some up and coming concoctions.

Nitro Coffee

One of the most fascinating trends I’ve come across is Nitro Coffee. Like the name implies, it is coffee that has been infused with nitrogen gas. Just like your favourite ale, the aerated coffee is kept in a pressurized keg and is poured from a tap, producing a great infusion of texture and taste. This method makes it a more velvety and sweeter tasting coffee when compared to regular iced coffee.

Nitro VS Hot Coffee

Besides the obvious differences between a glass of frothy nitrogen coffee and a warm mug of regular coffee, there are a lot of things lying under the surface that may influence your decision to try it. For starters, nitro coffee actually contains about 30% more caffeine than a regular coffee does, which can lead to an increase in anxiety levels. Nitro coffee doesn’t require any milk and sugar after pouring which could be a huge benefit if you’re trying to enjoy a flavourful caffeinated beverage without the additional calories. Both beverages contain antioxidants that fight free radical damage and reduce inflammation as well as providing a boost in mental and physical performance.

Mushroom Coffee

My initial portrayal of this in my mind was a hot cup of coffee ruined by some random spongy bits of mushrooms. After further research, I was relieved this was not the case. Making its introduction in 2018, Mushroom coffee is expected to hit peak popularity in 2019. Using a variety of different kinds of medicinal mushrooms, they are able to isolate and spray-dry different key components of the ‘shrooms to create a powder which is then infused with the coffee. This take on coffee is actually lower in caffeine than regular coffee, which could be beneficial for those who tend to avoid coffee for its high caffeine content. Mushroom coffee could also potentially help you with your New Year’s resolution with studies claiming it can help boost energy, improve brain power, help with indigestion and possibly also aid in weight loss.

Most Common ‘Shrooms Used

  • cordyceps
  • chaga
  • lion’s mane
  • turkey tail
  • reishi

So whether you’re looking for a new trendy caffeinated beverage for your Instagram page, or trying to find something to help keep you on track for your New Year goals, 2019 has something for you.

How Drinking Coffee Before Bed Affects You…

Did you know your circadian clock tells you when to wake, eat, sleep and a whole bunch of other things!

Caffeine messes up your circadian clock – but how much caffeine does it take to mess it up?


  • A double espresso shifts your clock by 40 minutes
  • Bright light: shifts your clock by 85 minutes
  • A double espresso plus a bright light shifts your clock by 105 minutes!!!

So, in conclusion just drink coffee in the dark! 🙂

Your body works on a rhythm and is directed by your Circadian clock. This is a 24-hour hormone cycle that happens in your body. It tells you when it’s time to eat, sleep, wake up etc.

At a certain time in the rhythm, something called cortisol is being formed – which is a hormone that makes you feel alert, awake and ready to start the day. Producing cortisol happens between 8 and 9AM meaning that your body is naturally caffeinating (I know cool, right?) during these hours of the day.

If you drink coffee at the same time as your Cortisol’s are rising, then the effects of caffeine won’t be working as well, since you’re already experiencing a natural jolt ⚡.

SO, if you find yourself upping your daily caffeine intake then TRY drinking your coffee AFTER your cortisol levels have dropped (don’t worry, that’s a couple times a day). The first drop happens 9:30 and 11:30AM.


Could you imagine a day without coffee? Could you imagine a month without coffee? Then there is no way you could last a whole lifetime without coffee!! People have been going around for decades telling us that coffee is the worst thing for you but you always ask yourself “is it THAT bad for me?” So today we are here to tell you that coffee actually is not the worst thing for you on a daily basis and you can keep drinking that steaming cup of joe. Coffee has been around for a long time and is often blamed for many illnesses. From stunting your growth to causing heart problems but newer research shows that it may actually have health benefits. There are many different ways that coffee can help benefit your daily life including:  

1. You could live longer.

Recent studies found that coffee drinkers are less likely to die from some of the leading causes of death in women: coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.

2.Your body may process glucose (or sugar) better.

That’s the theory behind studies that found that people who drink more coffee are less likely to get type 2 diabetes.

3. You’re less likely to develop heart failure.

Drinking one to two cups of coffee a day may help ward off heart failure, when a weakened heart has difficulty pumping enough blood to the body.  

4. You are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.

Caffeine is not only linked to a lower chance of developing Parkinson’s disease, but it may also help those with the condition better control their movements.

5. Your liver will thank you.

Both regular and decaf coffee seem to have a protective effect on your liver. Research shows that coffee drinkers are more likely to have liver enzyme levels within a healthy range than people who don’t drink coffee.

6. Your DNA will be stronger.

Dark roast coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can lead to cancer or tumors if not repaired by your cells.  

7. Your odds of getting colon cancer will go way down.

One in 23 women develop colon cancer. But researchers found that coffee drinkers were 26 percent less likely to develop colorectal cancer.

8. You may decrease your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease.

Almost two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. But the caffeine in two cups of coffee may provide significant protection against developing the condition.

Even though coffee has these amazing health benefits it also comes with the factors of how much you are drinking in one day. It is a true fact that drinking too much coffee has side effects. Excessive intake of coffee can make you jittery and cause different effects including:

  • Increased heart rates
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Anxiety

So the question you still have is how much coffee can I drink in a day to get the benefits and still avoid the bad effects? I will tell you dont worry. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it’s safe for most people to drink three to five cups of coffee a day to receive all the goodness and avoid the negative parts to it.

So now that you know that there ARE health benefits to drinking coffee on a daily basis scroll on down to look for some different types of coffees and different ways on making them to satisfy your coffee cravings : )

Cool Beans & Baristas

What’s better than starting your day off with a steaming hot cappuccino with the perfect blend of espresso and frothed milk mixed with a shot of hazelnut? I’m going to go ahead and say nothing. 

For the past 14 years, Espresso Bella has been flourishing as a successful personal Barista and Espresso Bar catering service, specializing in espresso as well as many other espresso based beverages. Whether you’re brewing Espresso Bella’s beans at home or using them for your upcoming event, I guarantee it will be an unparalleled experience.   

Focusing primarily on providing enthusiastic service to a variety of clientele. From weddings and bridal showers, to holiday parties, Espresso Bella is proud of their versatility.

This personal Barista service goes above and beyond the typical tea and coffee you find at many events. With educated and professional staff, you are guaranteed the perfect cup of espresso – brewed just for you, every time. 

What They Can Do For You

Looking to impress your boss at your next office meeting? Or maybe you want to wow your guests at your wedding?

Trying to please all customers, your Espresso Bar can be as simple or complex as you desire. Delightful machiatto or rich espresso? Both? Espresso Bella offers everything your inner coffee fiend could ever desire. 

The Standard Bar is typically for people looking for a simpler coffee experience. Espresso, Americano, Cappuccino, and Tea will help you get your caffeine fix without the extra flavours the Deluxe Bar offers. However, the Deluxe Bar has lots of options to appeal to your more adventurous guests. 

Driven by the importance of enjoying quality products, adding Espresso Bella to any event is guaranteed to provide your guests with an unforgettable experience. 

“Making every cup an Espresso Bella”

Cannabis Coffee

This past week, Canada became among the list of countries that have legalized the recreational use of cannabis. With the legalization, we got to thinking – “What about cannabis-infused coffee?”. Well, it’s a thing! There are several pros to adding cannabis to your coffee and we’re going to go through them all!

Before we get into the ‘good’ stuff, let’s discuss what it is exactly that you’d be putting into your coffee. We’re talkin’ CBD, or cannabidiol, which is a natural derivative from the cannabis plant. CBD is known for being the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant – those who use cannabis for medicinal purposes usually look for such that has a higher CBD content.


If you’re an avid coffee drinker, you’ve probably encountered a time or two with the ‘jitters’ and/or high anxiety. One of the first pros of enjoying CBD coffee is that those effects almost disappear and you are more often than not, actually relaxed. If we look at the science behind it, both caffeine (found in coffee) and cannabinoids are adenosine reactants, this means that while the caffeine will suppress your feelings to go to sleep, the cannabinoids will keep adenosine in place to allow for that calming factor.

Now, we know many people simply cannot function without their morning cup of jo; however, there has been a few studies that suggest that CBD coffee can increase your feelings of awakeness without the need for extra caffeine – so no, you won’t have to add that extra shot!

Further, many people feel those aches and pains in the morning and as we mentioned earlier, higher CBD content is mainly found in medical marijuana products – this means, that alongside you being more awake, the non-psychoactive and body calming effects will have your body ready to go in no time!

Wanna try it?

There are several ways to infuse your coffee with CBD: from using CBD oil to buying CBD-infused beans (that’s right, before they’re roasted!). As many know, with the legalization of cannabis in Canada, there were a few ‘terms and conditions’. For instance, edibles and drinkables are not yet legal; however, oils can be purchased and you are more than welcome to make and enjoy these treats at home. With that said, pure CBD oil is not yet available on the government website; therefore, when following at-home tutorials to make edibles and drinkables, please remember that THC does in fact have psychoactive effects and it is illegal to drive under its influence.

We actually reached out to our Facebook and Instagram followers to ask how many people would be interested if we were able to offer a drinkable and this was the response:


The responses we’re surprising – both Facebook and Instagram had almost identical answers but for the opposite choice! There is still time to choose a side though, drinkables won’t be available for sale until sometime in 2019. Don’t worry though, we’re looking into it!